Scaling Wine Subscription Sales by 297%

Find out how Flowstaq helped a wine brand skyrocket their business…

The Big Challenge

A venture-backed wine matching & subscription startup was missing their target of doubling their subscriptions (at a target acquisition cost of $120 or below).

Being in the alcohol niche, the client could not user remarketing audiences (a key driver of high ROAS campaigns).

They needed support with a fresh campaign strategy, reduction of acquisition costs, and how to navigate campaign restrictions (due to their niche).

The Solution

We overhauled and launched segmented campaigns optimized for shopping.

We optimized the product feed (to ensure full eligibility for ecommerce campaigns to serve on relevant user queries).

We restructured search campaigns and cut wasted spend to irrelevant audiences.

We overhauled ad extensions to drive to actions on site that matched KPIs (including quiz completions, signups, and purchases).